Brainstorm | investigating the brain through art & science | 3 December 2010 – 22 January 2011

investigating the brain through art & science
Susan Aldworth, Annie Cattrell, Andrew Carnie, Katharine Dowson, Rachel Gadsden
David Marron and Helen Pynor
3 December 2010 – 22 January 2011
GV Art presents a new exhibition in which seven contemporary artists consider the human brain: the physical entity described by science, the seat of the mind and soul, and origin of the creative impulse.
Their works are shown alongside a film of a Neuropathologist performing a "brain cut up." For the viewer, this juxtaposition is the starting point for a dialogue between how we see the brain and understand its functions scientifically and what happens when this physical organ that produces our individual visual and creative understanding becomes the subject for the artist.