Ina Rosing | The Importance of Beauty | 25 June to 25 July 2009


The Art of Ina Rosing

25 June to 25 July 2009

From immovable mountains to vibrant red flowers, ice and porcelain blue skies, Ina Rosing’s work on canvas and in monotype reflects her interest in beauty and silence. Combining text with a free flowing style, her work is both focused on the landscape, weather and space of Greenland and on her own emotional landscape.

Images of women, mountains, dogs and ice combine with fragments of poems and single words to form delicate patterns, which are both decorative and charged with passion. Her monotypes employ a muted palette of blue, black and red. This very particular blue is - “both silent and fragile. It may be used for a very, very blue sky, which insists on happiness. It can also be ice, still and cold or broken in a thousand flakes when the world breaks apart.”

press release

exhibition catalogue