Curator’s Question Time | Thursday 17 October 2013, 7pm
Franciszka Themerson, Why is the mind in the head, oil on canvas, 1954
Curator’s Question Time
Thursday, 17 October, 2013, 7pm
Nick Wadley, the curator, will give a talk about Franciszka Themerson. He was an intimate friend of the Themersons for the last decade of their lives and helps Jasia Reichardt to care for the Themerson archive. He is currently preparing a monograph on Franciszka, as well as compiling her oeuvre catalogue.
Nick Wadley writes and draws. He was Head of Art History at Chelsea School of Art, London until 1985, has published on Gauguin and on 19th c French drawing, and curated exhibitions including Kurt Schwitters, Franciszka Themerson, UBU in UK, Gaberbocchus Press, the Secret Life of Clothes. Since the 1990s his own drawings have been published in UK and USA, and exhibited in London, Buenos Aires, Tokyo and Warsaw. Occasional contributor to the Times Literary Supplement; Régent of the Collège de Pataphysique.
7pm, Free! Please book your space by RSVPing to