Artlink – International Launch | Thursday 23 October 2014, 7pm
Bio Art: Life in the Anthropocene, Artlink Volume 34 #4, September 201
Bio Art: Life in the Anthropocene
Artlink Volume 34 #4, September 2014
Editor: Stephanie Britton
This international special issue from Artlink examines a world where life on the planet is evolving in response to the rapid progress of biotechnology in medicine, genetics, science, toxicology and pollution. Distinguished writers examine the relationship of living to non-living; man-machine interactions, machine-plant hybrids, bio-couture, brain-body compatibility; syncretic thinking; viruses and bacteria as the raw materials of art.
Artists in this issue from Australia, Europe, USA, Canada, and UK include Helen Pynor, Pinar Yoldas, Ivan Henriques, Oron Catts, Guy Ben-Ary, Stelarc, Eduardo Kac, Paul Thomas, Tagny Duff, Donna Franklin and many more.
Artlink is one of the few international art magazines to address the topic of bio art, providing information on the extraordinary ferment of activity in the work of artists working in the field of scientific and medical research as residents and provocateurs.
Writers include Suzanne Anker, Melentie Pandilovski, Ingeborg Reichle, Marius Kwint, Donald Brook, Roy Ascott, Kirsten Hudson, Jennifer Johung.
Consulting editor, Dr Melentie Pandilovski, Director of Video Pool Media Arts Centre, Winnipeg has worked with Artlink’s Executive Editor and others to help shape and define the areas of research represented in the issue.
Artlink is grateful to SymbioticA Tissue Culture & Art, GV Art gallery, London, and Helen Pynor for consultation and advice.
More detail at
Available as digital editions for pc and mobile media
Launch details;
Thursday 23 October 2014, from 7pm
GV Art gallery
49 Chiltern Street
London W1U 6LY